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In-Transito | Futuro Berg Fredes
Photographic exhibition about migration in Guatemala, Mexico and USA.

Futuro is a photographer and filmmaker from Chile. He migrated to Europe in 2008 and has lived in various countries before establishing himself here, in Malmö. He has dedicated a large portion of his time to documenting migration across Europe and parts of the Americas. Berg Fredes has contributed to workshops for youths, exploring alternative creative pho- tographic approaches in places such as Brazil, Greece, Mexico, Sweden and the UK. In Malmö, besides his photography he has studied peace and conflict and international relations.


In-Transito is an exhibition about a personal journey of self-discovery across the United States, Mexico and Guatemala. It’s a story about people, the landscapes and the objects that Futuro encountered during six months of traveling. Driven by curiosity and the desire to explore, his journey pa- ralleled the stories of countless migrants from across the world who were seeking a better life, far away from home, where the grass is often greener. Many of the pictures of migrants are taken inside different detention cen- ters and migrant-camps where Futuro worked as coordinator and inter- preter. All photographs are shot entirely on 35mm film.


A book with the name as the exhibition will be released during the vernis- sage, witch shows more pictures of Futuros journey. The book is publiched by FAMN-Publishing; a small and experimental Malmö-based publishing house focusing on photography and visual art and small editions, with close collaboration with the artists.

In-Transito Futuro berg The Cowgirl Gallery
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